General Resources

USPTO Patent Search

Patent Search: search issued U.S. patents and published applications

USPTO Patent Assignments

Assignments: database of recorded patent assignments

US Patent & Trademark Office

PAIR: obtain file histories and information on patent families and term adjustments

USPTO Maintenance Fees

Maintenance Fees: amounts and payment window information for all U.S. patents

Term Information

Patent Term Calculator

Patent Term Calculator: enter priority, filing and issue dates to calculate a patent’s term

Alternative Resources

Google Patents

Google Patents: obtain patent 'bios', search issued patents and quickly download patents in pdf form Patents pdf download pdfs of patents - helpful when google doesn’t have it

Priorsmart prior art

PriorSmart: powerful prior art search engine that lets you search U.S. and foreign patents

Rules & Statutes


MPEP: the manual of patent examining procedure (mpep index)

35 USC

Statutes - 35 U.S.C.: section of the US code on patents (search by section)

37 CFR

Statutes - 37 C.F.R. Part 1: the code of federal regulations sections on patents(search by section)



Patently-O: leading blog helping you keep abreast of recent patent decisions and developments in the law

Foreign Patent Offices

WIPO Patents


EU European Union Patents

European Union Patent Office

Eurasian Patents

Eurasian Patent Office

Japan Patents

Japanese Patent Office


General Resources

USPTO Trademark Search

Trademark Search: search issued U.S. patents and published applications by clicking on the "search" link at the top of the right column

USPTO Trademark Assignments

Assignments: database of recorded trademark assignments


TARR: quick-search status information using serial or registration numbers


TDR: view the full files / transaction histories of all U.S. trademarks

Alternative Resources

State Trademark Links

State Trademark Offices: links to all 50 state trademark offices

Search Business Names Common Law Rights

Search for Common Law Rights: search superpages listings for business names (i.e., potential common law rights)

Rules & Statutes


TMEP: the trademark manual of examining procedure (tmep index)


TBMP: the trademark trial and appeal board manual of procedure

35 USC

Statutes - 15 U.S.C.: section of the US code on trademarks (search by section)

37 CFR

Statutes - 37 C.F.R. Part 2: the code of federal regulations sections on trademarks (search by section)


Trademark Likelihood of Confusion

Likelihood of Confusion: keep up to date with the latest happenings in trademark law

DOMAIN NAMES Domain name

Domain Name Search: obtain domain name registration information and identify available domain names

UDRP Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy

UDRP: text of the uniform domain name dispute resolution policy

ACPA Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act

ACPA: anti-cybersquatting consumer protection act


General Resources

USPTO Copyright Search

Copyright Search: works registered and documents recorded by the U.S. Copyright Office since January 1, 1978

USPTO Copyright Search

Renewal Database: determine whether works published between 1923 and 1963 are still effective (i.e, a renewal registration was submitted)

Term Information


Copyright Term Calculator: answer a few simple questions to determine when a copyright expires or whether it’s in the public domain


Public Domain Chart: criteria for determining whether a work is in the public domain

Rules & Statutes


Copyright Office Practices: a general guide to the Copyright Office policies and procedures

35 USC

Statutes - 17 U.S.C.: section of the US code on copyrights (search by section)

37 CFR

Statutes - 37 C.F.R. Part 200+: the code of federal regulations section 37 subchapter on copyrights (search by section)


37 CFR

USTA: text of the uniform trade secrets act, adopted by 46 states

37 CFR

Trade Secret Cases: browse or search trade secret case law